ISSUE 03/2024
Technology: The wettability of RGP contact lenses // Spiral-shaped optic // Report: 42nd ESCRS // Achromatopsia // Fitting Background: Presbyopinion // Mini scleral lenses // Business & Marketing: Supply chain security training
ISSUE 02/2024
Report: Meetings of ECOO and EAOO in Helsinki // 50th EFCLIN Congress // Company Profile: Valley Contax // Fitting Background: Dropouts // Myths: children and contact lenses // Interview: Roland Fromme
ISSUE 01/2024
Special: 50th Anniversary of EFCLIN // Company Profile: Larsen Equipment Design // Fitting Background: State of the Art(ificial) Pt.2 // The importance of contact lens characterization // Business & Marketing: Chat GPT – a new language for the industry?
ISSUE 03/2023
Fitting Background: State of the Art(ificial) // Scleral Lens HOA Correction // Report: Alcon: Investing in the Future // Presbyopia Treatment with Eye Drops? // Sustainability: Interview: Circular Economy
ISSUE 02/2023
International News: EFCLIN Congress & Exhibition 2023 // Fitting Background: The other side
of myopia // Business + Marketing: Recruiting // History: 75 years rigid corneal lens
ISSUE 01/2023
International News: PFAS forever? // Fitting Background: Soft Lenses for the irregular cornea • Visual performance of Ortho-K and LASIK patients // Business + Marketing: High quality data • Setting priorities // History: Casting glasses
ISSUE 03/2022
Fitting Background: Safety in sclerals – Part 3 • The Summit of Specialty Contacts • 20 years “sleeplens” orthokeratology // Technology: Flat lenses // Business + Marketing: Future meeting spaces • Cyber hygiene practices // History: Braille • Eye impression glasses
ISSUE 02/2022
Fitting Background: Safety in sclerals – Part 2 • Monovision – not just about principles // Manufacturing: New technology in blocking systems // History: The ophthalmometer // Report: EFCLIN 2022
ISSUE 01/2022
Anniversary: 30 years GlobalCONTACT // Fitting Background: Ultra-Dk contact lenses // Technology: Freeform lenses made by liquid polymers // Business + Marketing: Self-determined salaries // Report: Global Specialty Lens Symposium
ISSUE 03/2021
Technology: Understanding the visual impact of the Stiles-Crawford effect
• The importance of poroelasticity in soft contact lenses // Fitting Background: Context in contacts // Special Topic: New challenges in intra-ocular lens metrology // Interview: Lynette Johns
ISSUE 02/2021
Technology: Poroelasticity in soft contact lenses // Fitting Background: “Mind the gap” // Business + Marketing: Family businesses: successful handover // Interview: Jerome Legerton • Alan Bennett • William Lee
ISSUE 01/2021
Report: Euromcontact market data report 2020 // Fitting Background: Customizing myopia treatment // Business + Marketing: The cloud // Interview: Johannes Pfund – Our industry in changing time // Technology: Using ultrasonic cleaning for RGP contact lenses